Brief Survey

Okay, so I just have time for a couple quick questions that I’m hoping to gain some insight into:
1. Have any of you actually seen a chicken with its head cut off, and if so, is that really what I look like right now?
2. How would I know if I had a collapsed lung? Would I definitely know? Can your lungs deflate due to stress?
3. Is there any medical evidence of people going blind from an eye twitch?
Results will be tabulated and published in the quarterly review. Thanks!

12 Responses to “Brief Survey”

  1. Hap Says:

    While you’re at it, please find out what happens if your eye pops out. Does it hang from the optic nerve? If it hung pointing down, could you see your shoes?
    What with’s woes, I rely on runjenrun for authoritative medical information….

  2. Jenny Says:

    Hap – as my brother is an ophth… an opthlo.. an optol… he’s an eye doctor, I know the answer to that question. Without a doubt, your eyes will hang from the optic nerve, and assuming there’s no damage, you can turn your eyes around and look at yourself. Or cheat on a test, see who’s sneaking up behind you. All sorts of cool things.

  3. Robert Says:

    What’s up with the eye twitch thing? I’ve been having that lately, too. It’s hard enough to read with double vision, but no one of them thinks it’s in the Rockettes.

  4. Mateo Says:

    Although I can’t comment on the eye twitch, I can (from experience) comment on the first two questions. As you know, I grew up on a farm in Iowa, I’ve seen many a chicken with it’s head cut off. No you don’t look like that. Your hair is much more fabulous. As for the collapsed lung, our mutual friend Scott has had them multiple times (comes from smoking 15 packs of cigarettes a day, methinks). I actually watched it happen once and had to rush him to the ER. It’s not as cool of a disorder as you would think. Plus, the doctors in the Chicago ER were not even CLOSE to being as cute as the ones on the TV show. The whole experience was one big diappointment.

  5. Dave Says:

    What I really want to know is… did you ever get that giant choco bunny?

  6. Jenny Says:

    R: you have it, too?! What’s that all about? It can’t be good, that’s for sure. It’s like one of my eyes is perpetually doing situps.

    M: Okay, how many collapsed lungs does one need before quitting smoking? One should do it, n’est-ce pas? Give Scott a kick in the groin for me. A loving one.

    Also – re: the chickens, I knew someone would have first-hand experience. Do they really keep running around? I must admit, though, that I went to the county fair as a child and saw some chickens that looked like Tina Turner, so they clearly had more fabulous hair than I could ever dream of.

    D: Interestingly enough, one day after I posted my bunny entry, the rabbit was gone. There’s a spy among us, my friends.

  7. Mateo Says:

    (You may want to avert any younger readers here) I cannot believe that I’m actually going to tell you this, but… yes, chickens do indeed “run around” after being decapitated – for roughly 5 minutes. It’s a rather freakish phenomenon. And as for my family, we didn’t exactly “cut” off the chicken’s head… but moreso “popped” off the chicken’s head. You hold them upside down by the feet and put their necks under a broomstick. While standing on the broomstick, you simply pull up on their feet. Voilà, off pops their head, in one easy tug. I know I’m going to get tons of hatemail about this, but just try not to think about it when you’re eating your next box of Chicken McNuggets. And if there are any PETA readers out there, chill out. I grew up on a farm. It was a part of life. I drink soy milk now. But you should hear how they decapitate soybeans. It’s horrifing.

  8. AB Says:

    I seem to get the eye twitch every Thursday. It lasts through Friday and disappears sometime during the weekend. I’m thinking it’s somehow related to job stress.
    As for the chickens, seeing a live one running around is enough for me. I don’t want to see a headless one. Mateo’s description will get me close enough to that experience.

  9. Jenny Says:

    Mateo – seriously. This is now being filed under the category, “Things that make me vomit in my mouth a little bit.”

    It seems so much easier to just chop the head off. Ugh. It could be years before I get that image out of my mind. [shivers]

  10. Michael Says:

    The eye twitch thing is from being on the computer too long or reading too mush and you need to have your eyes RE-EXAMINED. You might new lenses if any otherwise it will be the first time to wear glasses for some of you. Seriously. Go get them checked.

  11. nicole Says:

    Oh phew. I thought my recent eye twitch (which prevented me from sleeping for a while last night) was just another one of my hypochondriach symptoms. Turns out, this could be an epidemic!

  12. jd namroh Says:

    Twitch, twitch. Good to know you. Great blog. I’ll be back.