A Simple Equation

5 hours on tarmac at Reagan International Airport
+ 1 faulty hydraulic gauge
– air conditioning
+ 1 medical emergency (not mine)
+ 2 refuelings
– food or drinks
+ phantom storms
= 1 long blog entry
Coming Soon!

5 Responses to “A Simple Equation”

  1. Robert Says:

    Now THAT sounds like a party. Can’t wait to hear the stories.

  2. teahouseblossom Says:

    Ooooh, I love irate traveler stories…

  3. brando Says:

    this is the same scenario that plays out every time i fly out of dc. on my last flight, the pilot announced that we were too heavy for take off. i think that all of us crapping ourselves brought weight down enough for us to lift off.

  4. Dave Says:

    I can hardly wait!!

  5. DaddyCool Says:

    And I bet you that the whole time the flight attendants looked at you stuck on that plane with that insincere grin like it was your problem. The events you listed make me scared to fly – it is only a matter of time…