For everything else, there’s Mastercard

Heavy duty box cutter: $9.99
Black duct tape: $4.89
Two cans of black enamel spray paint: $9.98
Dual temperature hot glue gun: $16.99
Portable karaoke machine: $24.99
Karaoke CD’s: $22.99
Dressing up as a human karaoke machine and having your friends sing to you all night: Priceless!
The evening got a little out of control by the end, and I suspect that Seamus will soon be evicted. To quote Natasha, “When the mime doth lay down with the wolf, Armageddon is nigh.”

23 Responses to “For everything else, there’s Mastercard”

  1. asia Says:

    fucking cuter the cute. i dressed up as the SPECTER OF HOMEWORK DUE and refused to answer the phone.

  2. asia Says:

    i mean cuter than cute but i cant edit myself.

  3. Dave2 Says:

    Sweet! What song were you displaying?

  4. jenny Says:

    a: I’m renaming my cat “Cuter the Cute.” Like “Ivan the Terrible,” but with less pillaging. And your costume sounds absolutely terrifying!
    D: On the front was the karaoke classic, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” and on the back was “Born to Be Wild,” y’know, for the boys.

  5. jill Says:

    Ambition + Talent + Wicked Intelligence + the aforementioned cuter than cuteness. Madonna should be very, very afraid.

  6. Kevin Says:

    Very cool costume. Where’d you come up with that one?
    I like the lighting effects you use in your closeups. How do you get that effect? Any special bulbs or camera settings or some such?

  7. Dan Says:

    That’s an awesome costume idea. How many times did you have to play “Piano Man?”

  8. jaymarie Says:

    i love it.
    girl, you have some wicked (as in cool – i am nerdy enough that i shouldn’t use words like that, but we all have aspirations…) curly hair – it is amazing.
    looks like a lot of fun (the night, not the hair – the hair looks like a lot of work!)
    i dressed up as the tired mom of two princesses. i was good, really, no one even knew it was “me” underneath. one lady even gaped at my saggy breasts and asked if they were real. (i know you think i am joking here.)

  9. Fiorello La Guardia Says:

    Great Halloween photos, and you,of course, were beautiful and creative as always! Love those mega-spitcurls. And…did I detect red lipstick???? (Hope you mail your mom a photo – LOL)
    Was your friend Seamus being Robert Mitchum in “Night of the Hunter?” Sigh…just one of my 10 favorite movies!!

  10. jenny Says:

    J1: Well aren’t you sweeter than a slice of pecan pie! (I’m trying to learn to speak southern charm.) Madonna hasn’t even seen me dance around in my underwear yet, so watch out!
    K: Thanks! Thought of it while singing in the shower. RE: photos – I just use a clamp light and then play around with the contrast in PhotoShop.
    D: Man! I didn’t have any Billy Joel, or I’m sure that would’ve been on my top 10 request list.
    J2: I won’t deny that my hair is a bit high maintenance. It’s really the main reason I won’t apply for Survivor – after 4 weeks w/o product, my hair would take over half the island. And did you ask that lady if her teeth were real before you socked her in the jaw?
    F: Thanks, doll! What you can’t see from the photos is the gold glitter hairspray I was wearing – it was spectacular! I’ve been coughing glitter for three days, but I want to wear it in my hair always. Oh, and Seamus is the wolf, not the preacher.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    Dear Jenny,
    Are you growing your hair long? It looks great!

  12. Strode Says:

    I could have totally did “Your Song” by Elton. Me singing and dancing with a karaoke box. My dream.

  13. Number4of5 Says:

    Brilliant. That costume is truely brilliant.

  14. nina Says:

    See, the difference between your costume and the ones that I took in around town (Madison) is that yours was creative and cool. And it did not focus on exposing flesh. Or, am I only seeing the bloggable nice version?

  15. shari Says:

    Right. OK. That’s only THE MOST BRILLIANT, GENIUS COSTUME I’ve EVER heard of!! So, yeah, I’d be worrying. You should definitely try to be more creative. Good call on the paint-by-number thing.

  16. Pants Says:

    Excellent costume!

  17. jenny Says:

    V: Thanks, Viv. I’m trying, but I think it wants to stop.
    S1: Me singing and dancing as a karaoke machine was my dream… until I tried to do the robot and nearly knocked over the whole drink table.
    4of5: Why, thank you!
    N: Your pictures were crazy! What the hell is wrong with those people? And I’m from Wisconsin! No, my brand of mischief leans more toward the “Little Rascals” variety vs. the Paris Hilton kind.
    S2: So what I hear you saying is that I should abandon the paint-by-numbers and just hang the karaoke machine on my wall?
    P: Hey, thanks Pants!

  18. The Scarlett Says:

    Love your blog! Found you via my comments and immediately added you to my bloglist so that I’d visit often!

  19. Neil Says:

    What an amazingly clever idea. So, which song was the most popular?

  20. Jessica Says:

    What great photos and I LOVE your hair! So pretty….
    How much alcohol do you have to imbibe to be coerced into wearing this when I come visit in a few weeks?

  21. Jenny Says:

    TS: Thanks, and welcome! Consider yourself linked!
    N: Aw, shucks, Neil! Most popular song? Well… the one that got everyone dancing was “Le Freak,” partly because I kept screaming: “I said ‘Freak’ people! I wanna see you freakin’, and you freakin’ – I wanna see everybody freakin’!”
    J: Ha! Oh boy… post Halloween? It would take a loooottttttt of drinks to get that box back on!

  22. nicole Says:

    What a great costume! I’m so jealous of people who can come up with creative costumes.

  23. Colleen Says:

    Best. Costume. Ever.