Desperately Seeking Mundanity

The Event:
So the torch has been passed. This Friday, May 26, at long last, I get my opportunity to host the Carnival of the Mundane!
The Background:
Several months ago, Dean Abbott over at Inspired by a True Story came up with the idea to create a forum for the regular blogfolk to showcase what they do best – talk about the day-to-day stuff in an interesting and creative way. Hence, the Carnival of the Mundane.
To quote Mr. Abbott: “A blog carnival is a post published by a single blogger (whoever is hosting that edition) and consists of a collection of links to other posts that have been emailed to the host. The host then tries to present the links to those posts in single post of his or her own with a little context, maybe even some clever commentary. I’m thinking of a carnival for those of us whose material is everyday stuff, a showcase for those dedicated to drawing out the humor or insight from the humdrum.”
Writing about the humdrum? That’s right up my alley! I mean, let’s face it – no one’s asking me for reviews of the latest tech gadgets, or my political perspective, or snarky critiques of Hollywood fashion. It would appear that there are a couple of other blogs out there that do a pretty good job covering those areas. But Dean and Postmodern Sass have been doing their best to keep the dream alive for those of us who don’t really understand what Web 2.0 is, or who get confused by phrases like “electoral college”, or who think it’s still okay to wear pants whose waistband falls just slightly above the ribcage. (What? They were a gift – cut me some slack!)
The Call to Action:
If you would like to be a part of this week’s Carnival, just email your name and the link to your most exquisitely mundane post to by this Thursday. And fear not – this doesn’t need to be a new entry. Feel free to sift through the archives.
Thanks, and hope to see you at the Carnival!

7 Responses to “Desperately Seeking Mundanity”

  1. teahouseblossom Says:

    Heh, this sounds like a fun concept. I’ll try to get off my booty and find something good in my archives. If I can get motivated. If I find something, I’ll email you. Basically, my whole life is mundane so it shouldn’t be too hard.

  2. Tracy Lynn Says:

    YAY JENNY! I can’t wait til Friday. *does the happy dance*

  3. Dean Says:

    You wear pants that hit slightly above the rib cage? What are they, lowriders?
    I’ve always thought the proper fitting pants hit right beneath the arm pits.

  4. shari Says:

    These posts… do they have to actually be good? Well written? Clever? Funny?
    *sigh* I can’t even be mundane with the cool kids… maybe I can hangout and just look mundane, huh? Would that be okay?

  5. ms. sizzle Says:

    does the story of a friend taking a poop in a field qualify as mundane?

  6. jenny Says:

    THB: You can do it – I believe in you!
    Tracy Lynn: Uh oh… the pressure!
    Dean: Yeah, I’m just trying to fit in with the cool kids.
    Shari: Don’t try to play modest with me. I know you’ve got novels of mundaneness just waiting to be recognized!
    Sizz: Well, since I don’t think there’s a Carnival of the Revolting, you can definitely submit that to Carnival of the Mundane. :)

  7. sandra Says:

    I babble so much that it’s hard to narrow it down to just one entry…but I feel confident that I can do it!