
My life-energy has been sapped by long walks in the city, great art, and afternoon beers in the sun, so my full recap will have to wait a day.
However, let me just mention that I spent the weekend with another amazing group of bloggers, and finally, finally, we were able to put aside the petty differences that have divided bloggers for centuries. And this enlightenment was perfectly illustrated by a curious little primate who touched our lives, if ever so briefly. I mean, if the monkeys and rats can learn to love one another, can’t we all?
Can’t we all?
Oh, since I’m all about sharing my addictions (and to distract you from the utter lack of content in this entry), allow me to pass along another recent colossal time-waster: make your own Jackson Pollock paintings. (via boingboing)

10 Responses to “Blogathon”

  1. Dave2 Says:


  2. jackt Says:

    Monkeys, rats, tow-may-tow, tow-mah-tow, deep down inside we’re all the same.

  3. sween Says:

    Yes. Deep down inside we’re all red.
    Mwu-hahahahaha!!!!…ha ha!… ha.
    Too much?

  4. jenny Says:

    Dave2: And he loves you, too! But not in a weird way.
    jackt: What if I say, ‘maters? Does that still make me the same?
    sween: In my world, deep down inside we’re all filled with marshmallow fluff.

  5. Cheryl Says:

    I just wish George and Maisie were wearing matching shirts made of Peeps.

  6. sween Says:

    Red marshmallow fluff? That’s weird.

  7. Dustin Says:

    Do you think Curious Jorge likes marshmallow?

  8. Mocha Says:

    I’m glad our weekend took top billing over the monkeys, rats, and Jackson Pollock painting thingie, but darnit if I didn’t get sucked into the painting thingie.
    Can’t wait to read your review! Are we all just totally surfing the sites of our new friends?
    I’m loving what Dustin said about the Hispanic version, but wouldn’t it be Jorge de Curiouoso? No se.

  9. shari Says:

    You have other bloggers?? *gasp*

  10. Dustin Says:

    Mocha – But that would be actual spanish, and spanglish is A. faster, and B. so much funnier (in my own opinion). You’re right though, I shouldn’t go around confusing generations of children.