How I Will One Day Die

She is so fancy it’s ridiculous.
In costume sizes, “small dog” does not equal “fat cat.”
I think this makes him look carefree.
he loves this hat
We’re no longer on speaking terms.
bad elf

29 Responses to “How I Will One Day Die”

  1. Hilly Says:

    OMG you have given me the courage to attempt this next year. We keep saying that we are going to force a red sweater on our cat, but we’ve been too scared to get scratched ;).
    Very cute, btw!

  2. Dave2 Says:

    I don’t blame your cat at all. The humiliation must have been devastating.
    I hope your cats don’t have internet access… because if they ever see that you’ve posted this, well… if you don’t show up for TequilaCon, I’ll know why.

  3. churlita Says:

    Oh no you di’in’t! Your cat is totally rolling its eyes and talking shit about you under it’s breath. You know that, don’t you?

  4. shari Says:

    I bow to your bravery, Jenny. And pray for your safety.

  5. The Retropolitan Says:

    Is that a Siamese? She’s pretty.
    I’m typing this out in my “aren’t-you-a-pretty-cat? aren’t-you-a-pretty-cat?” cat-talking voice.

  6. jenny Says:

    hilly: as long as you’re really quick with the camera and have band-aids on hand, you’ll be just fine!
    dave2: no, i banned the cats from using the internet after a mysterious shipment of 8 kilos of catnip and 100 fake mice showed up at my door.
    churlita: oh, believe me! that’s exactly what he’s doing – particularly in that last photo!
    shari: i’ll be sleeping with one eye open for the next few weeks, but it was worth it.
    retropolitain: yes – they are siamese (there are actually two of them)! and how did you know that was their favorite thing to hear? :)

  7. The Retropolitan Says:

    I have a baby Balinese kittycat. Well, actually, she’s not a baby anymore and she’s now “my ex-girlfriend’s cat.” WHICH SUCKS, but I love that cat THE MOST EVER.
    That’s how I know they like being called pretty.

  8. Jessica Says:

    From a pet psychologist’s perspective, I don’t know what’s worse – the constant name changes or the festive apparel these poor creatures are forced to endure. Sure, it makes for good blog material but, one day, you’re going to get turned in, Jenny.

  9. sizzle Says:

    carefree? oh jenny. tsk tsk.

  10. Tracy Lynn Says:

    Your cats sent an email to my cats. They plan to kill you, Jenny, kill you dead, for the silly hats and elf costume.
    Don’t let on that I warned you.

  11. diane Says:

    Tee hee hee! My friend did this to her chihuahua, and he looks soooooooooo displeased in every photo.
    I said, why do we have pets and children, if not to dress them up in funny outfits??

  12. Arwen Says:

    You gave me some good ideas for my cats. My cats despise you in advance.

  13. claire Says:

    Are those ears on that hat?

  14. roy Says:

    I used to do this to my cats, Jenny, until one day they turned me in to Human Resources. I was ordered to leave and move in with another cat family, where I am forced to wear funny hats. Please, think about what you are doing.

  15. Heath Says:

    while i am vehemently against dressing up pets for holidays … what an absolutely stunning cat you have….

  16. Pants Says:

    I’m tempted to do this to my mother’s cat but fearful as he thinks he is a dog. He has a perfectly frightening growl down.

  17. jenny Says:

    Retro: Sorry to hear about your kitty. I hope you have joint custody!
    Jessica: Well, considering the fact that they get to lounge around in faux-fur lined cat beds, eat gourmet cat food all day, and play with the finest of fake mice, I think they can indulge me in the costume department every now and then. :)
    Sizzle: What? Does he look like he has a care in the world to you?
    Tracy Lynn: WHAT! I thought I blocked their internet access!
    Diane: Finally! Someone gets it!
    Arwen: Might I suggest the discount bin in the pet department at Target? It’s where I find all my best cat costumes.
    Claire: Indeed, they are. I couldn’t get the cats to actually wear the hat for more than one second, so I just quickly set it on their heads and snapped a few photos.
    Roy: What kind of crazy “eye-for-an-eye” world do you live in? Human Resources has taken it too far this time.
    Heath: So we agree to disagree, do we? I respect your disdain for the costumes, and will pass along the kind words to my cats. Thanks! :)
    Pants: Actually, if he thinks he’s a dog, you’re in good shape. Dogs seem to have no issues wearing goofy costumes!

  18. sween Says:

    Did you notice that if you read this post on the main page and kept scrolling, a person might get the impression that one of your cats had disguised themselves as Barbra Streisand? Either way, good costume.

  19. jenny Says:

    Man, I wish my cats were talented enough to do Streisand impersonations. They do a passable Celine Dion, but that gets tiresome after a while.

  20. Dustin Says:

    This only makes what I “bought” you for Christmas that much funnier.
    You’ll get it when I post it.

  21. shari Says:

    Merry, Merry Christmas, Jenny!!

  22. danielle Says:

    that is too funny! my pets would have none of that either… happy holidays!

  23. Anne Says:

    Hi Jen. I hopped over here from Don’s blog, and so glad I did. Great blog you have here, and beautiful cats. Happy holidays! :)

  24. egan Says:

    I’m very very scared. I’m not sure we should meet in March.

  25. Karl Says:

    Wow, I’ve often fantasized about being your toy, but I don’t wanna be your cat.

  26. Mocha Says:

    I’d just like to say that I, for one, would love to see you dress up Karl in your cat-like costumes. There’s a certain poetry to it, no?

  27. jenny Says:

    Dustin: Ooh… I can’t wait!
    Shari: Thanks – hope you had a great xmas too!
    Danielle: Believe me, my cats won’t tolerate much of this. :)
    Anne: Thanks for stopping by! And my ridiculously vain kitties thank you as well.
    Egan: No need to be afraid – I’m really harmless. Mostly. ;)
    Karl: Are you kidding me? Everyone should want to be my cats – sleep all day, eat catnip all night, vomit wherever you please. It’s like being Mick Jagger.
    Mocha: I’ll work on sewing up a Karl-sized elf costume for Portland…

  28. Diana Says:

    Your blog is wonderful — hilarious too!

  29. nancycle Says:

    Just checking in. You know….Making sure, everything, is, alright. ;-)