
“I’m so mad right now I could spit. Stop calling my name. I’m not going to look at you.”
“Make those kissing sounds all you want. I will not give you the satisfaction of seeing my face in this ridiculous getup.”
“Damn you woman! How did you make that bird noise with your mouth? Trickster! Well, I won’t fall for that again.”
“Why do I put up with this?”

10 Responses to “Jingles”

  1. Hilly Says:

    I can’t even get FC to sit still long enough for me to trick him into something like that!

  2. You can call me, 'Sir' Says:

    Cat#1: Meow (Translation: “S’up, yo?”).
    Cat#2: Meow meow (Translation: Oh, just praying for the sweet release of death.”).

  3. You can call me, 'Sir' Says:

    Cat#1: Meow (Translation: “S’up, yo?”).
    Cat#2: Meow meow (Translation: Oh, just praying for the sweet release of death.”).

  4. Jessica Says:

    Jenny, that’s it….I’m calling DCS (Division of Cat Services) on you. This has to stop.

  5. kilax Says:

    There’s more?!?! I must admit, I think this is more stylish than the hat :)

  6. Valerie Says:

    Awww how cute! My Persian Oliver loves to lick the bows on the presents underneath the tree :)

  7. shari Says:

    Well, that’s likely to make mouse-catching a challenge…

  8. robin Says:

    now that you have posted those photos, these poor cats won’t be able to show their cute little faces in public. The humiliation would be too great.

  9. jenny Says:

    hilly: well, if you saw the 100 other blurry photos i took, you’d know that it wasn’t easy!
    sir: it’s like you’re totally inside their heads!
    jess: you can’t take my babies away from me! i only do it because i love them!
    kilax: yes, she’s much more refined than her brother.
    valerie: he only licks the bows? my cats would eat them… and then cough them back up. too much information? sorry… ;)
    shari: yes. that’s why i did it… to protect all the mice in my apartment.
    robin: they’ve already been shunned by their peers.

  10. churlita Says:

    I think it would be funny to dress up my teenage daughters like that, but they’re full of hormones and they would most definitely kill me in my sleep.

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