
“Aunt Jenny! Hey, Aunt Jenny – you know what? My friend Kevin is only one level below giant demon mage.”
“Oh yeah? Well, I think you’re one level below giant demon mage.”
“Umm, Aunt Jenny? What you just said to Andrew was actually a compliment. Giant demon mage is like the strongest warrior in Runescape.”
“Oh. So what should I say?”
“You should say he’s like one level below rat.”
“Andrew, you’re like one level below rat.”
“Aunt Jenny, rat is level one in Runescape. There is no level zero, so that doesn’t even make sense!”
“Whatever. Go get Aunt Jenny some more wine.”

7 Responses to “Runed”

  1. shari Says:

    Yeah, but you could totally kick their butts at pinball.
    Merry Christmas, Jenny!

  2. Hilly Says:

    Haha, ’round my sister’s house we like to call it “mommy juice”.

  3. churlita Says:

    At least someone’s looking out for your best interests with the wine.

  4. vahid Says:

    I like your style. I’m going to finish more of my arguments from now on by having the other party fetch me a glass of wine.

  5. Geeky Tai-Tai Says:

    Yep, I like the wine part!
    BTW, I just might be able to make it to TequilaCon ’08. I’m hoping anyway!

  6. Fiorello La Guardia Says:

    Hilly’s sister calls wine “Mommy juice.”
    Mwaaaa haaaa – I love that expression, and will certainly steal it for myself!

  7. roy Says:

    Have a happy new year. The wine will help.

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