Running Thin, or The Story of My Patience

Crinklety crinklety crinklety.
Sift sift sift.
Chomp chomp chomp.
Crinklety crinklety crinklety.
Shake shake shift.
Chew chomp chomp.
Shake shake shake.
Crinklety crinklety shake.
Chomp chew chew.

This was what I had to listen to the entire train ride home on Friday, while the young woman seated next to me sorted through her bag of “Cranny Banany” premium trail mix, turning it and twisting it and delicately mining her way past the banana chips, dried cranberries, and mango pieces to the bottom of the bag in order to find the honey roasted peanuts hidden within.
It took all my restraint and a few layers of enamel off my molars not to grab her by the shoulders and shake her while screaming, “Hey! I just heard about this awesome new trail mix I think you’ll just love. IT’S CALLED A BAG OF F*CKING PEANUTS! AAAARGGHHH!”
I think the cold weather is finally starting to break me.

10 Responses to “Running Thin, or The Story of My Patience”

  1. Hilly Says:

    I’m convinced that no one would want to be on a train/plane/boat with me when someone does this. Were I super frustrated, I might….eh, I WOULD have looked at her and said, “Really? Do you have to chew that loudly?”.

  2. Dave2 Says:

    At least on the train you can put on your headphones and crank the iPod. It’s when morons like this sit behind you in the movie theater that you want to go postal.

  3. shari Says:

    Yeah, but the nutrition label on the back of peanuts isn’t as good.

  4. jenny Says:

    hilly: you know, it wasn’t the chewing that drove me to the edge as much as the bag crinkling. thank god it was only a 15 minute ride.
    dave2: true dat. that’s what it felt like, though – someone at a theater opening a cough drop for 15 minutes straight.
    shari: i swear, that’s probably it! of course, that trail mix probably cost about 5x what a bag of peanuts would’ve cost…

  5. Pants Says:

    Those are the same sounds that the homeless guy sitting at the table next to me in the coffee shop is making. Only he doesn’t have trail mix. Make your own inferences.

  6. Miss Britt Says:

    It should be a law.
    Crunchy food should be sold in tissue paper.
    No, wait, that makes noise too…

  7. delmer Says:

    I see Dave already made the movie theater comment. BUT … as I read this my first thought was that you were sitting in a theater someplace as crap like this always happens to me there. And it’s people that bring in the extra noisy bags of stuff from home.

  8. Dingo Says:

    This happened to me just the other day — at the library! I actually got up and moved a few tables away but I could still hear his crunching. What made it even more annoying was that he was sitting directly under the “No Eating” sign.

  9. Tracy Lynn Says:

    This is a situation in which I probably would have tit punched her. Or just stared hard at her. It’s pretty much the same thing, really.

  10. churlita Says:

    boy,can I ever relate. I went down to St Louis and there was no snow. It was amazing.

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