Learning is Fun

I think I might have dengue fever, so the best I can do is to post an educational video for the young ladies out there. I particularly like the way the narrator pronounces, “men-stray-shun” and “matooring” (as in, your body is matooring).
Watch. Listen. Learn. Enjoy.

I wish Disney would do more collaborative films with Kotex.

12 Responses to “Learning is Fun”

  1. shari Says:

    I’m not sure which frightens me more: that you have dengue fever OR that Disney & Kotex conspired to make that. Either way, I’m scared. Hold me. (Well, not you, since you have an infectious disease…)

  2. mainja Says:

    okay, i’m with you on maturing, but how else would you pronounce menstruation? Do you say ‘men-stru-ation’?

  3. Anonymous Says:

    okay, I was curious. So according to dictionary.com…
    men-stroo-ey-shuhn and men–strey-shuhn both appear to be correct.
    as are:
    muh-toor, muh-tyoor, muh-choor, muh-chur
    Hmmm. I’m apparently some kind of a nerd…

  4. delmer Says:

    Kotex was the 9th dwarf. The one you never hear about. He had a stringy beard.

  5. Dave2 Says:

    Ah-hah! It’s all the pituitary gland’s fault! That bastard!
    My favorite part was when they said “…don’t let it get you down, you have to live with people!”

  6. You can call me, 'Sir' Says:

    Man, this explains so much. It all makes sense now. All those women that I’ve told to stop being drama queens because, ‘It’s not like you’re ovulating or anything, geeeez!’. Turns out the were, actually.
    I was hoping that at about 2:10 when talk begins of the mighty pituitary gland’s alteration of excretory whatnot at some point between age 11 and 17, that the music would change to something harder like Tool or Metallica.

  7. You can call me, 'Sir' Says:

    Man, this explains so much. It all makes sense now. All those women that I’ve told to stop being drama queens because, ‘It’s not like you’re ovulating or anything, geeeez!’. Turns out the were, actually.
    I was hoping that at about 2:10 when talk begins of the mighty pituitary gland’s alteration of excretory whatnot at some point between age 11 and 17, that the music would change to something harder like Tool or Metallica.

  8. Karen Says:

    1 – does anyone else think the narrator sounds like the principal from Grease?
    2- am I the only one who expects Donald Duck to come into the frame freaking out and screaming, like he does in Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land?

  9. jenny Says:

    shari: you should be more ascared of disney + kotex. just imagine if they start making logo merchandise!
    mainja: well, i try to never say the word, but if pressed, i’d pronounce it men-stroo-ay-shun.
    delmer: but he was petal soft, so there’s that.
    dave2: i loved that, too! it’s like, quit yer whining! always with the “oh my cramps, wah wah wah!”
    sir: i think it should be something more dramatic and scary, like the gregorian chanting kind of music from The Omen.
    karen: 1) TOTALLY! i was actually waiting for the credits to see who the narrator was! 2) that would be the absolute best! or maybe goofy can saunter in and show her how to stand up straight to keep those organs in line.

  10. serap Says:

    Ok, I was on the phone whilst watching that… all I got was that I need to have lukewarm showers, not lift up heavy furniture and powder my nose. Did I miss anything important?

  11. Beth Says:

    Ha ha ha ha…she said “vagina.”

  12. Abigail Says:

    I’ve learned so much. I did not know that ovaries were the size of olives. So small and yet so wretched!
    Also, that cold shower slide was creepy as hell.

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