Dear Santa

All I want for Christmas is a photo booth and a green screen. Thanks!
– Jenny
PS – I finally got a scanner, so you can take that off my list now.
ground control
hancock x 4

13 Responses to “Dear Santa”

  1. Dave2 Says:

    My friend Megan constructed a photo booth out of an old iMac, an iSight camera, and a program she wrote. Everybody who comes to her home has to sit in the booth every time they visit. The results are covering her entire hallway… she’s got FedEx delivery guys, plumbers, Girl Scouts cookie-sellers, and even Mormons I think! It’s fun in an annoying kind of way, but I did get all those photos of me for my blog entries, so it’s hard to complain. :-)

  2. Hilly Says:

    As always, every last one of you is adorable.

  3. shari Says:

    Funny. All I want for Christmas is a do-over of October 10. *sigh*

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Cool idea!

  5. churlita Says:

    I would love my own personal photo booth. How much do you suppose one of those would cost?

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Dear Jenny,
    Those photos are kitch-erific.

  7. jenny Says:

    dave2: your friend is a GENIUS!!
    hilly: aw, thanks! and really, all i want for xmas is to clone all of these guys, shrink them down to action figure size, and carry them around with me wherever i go so i’m always entertained. and i want the photo booth. is that so much to ask?
    shari: there’s always 2009…
    anon: it’s probably a bit impractical, since i’m not sure where the photo booth would fit, but i sure want one!
    churlita: according to the interwebs, about $6000-10,000. wanna go halfsies?
    vivian: they really are, aren’t they?

  8. claire Says:

    love the pics. Doesn’t seem like it’d be too hard to make a photo booth. You could build something 3-sided so you could fold it for storage. All your science fair experience would now come in handy!

  9. vahid Says:

    I am all in favor of you getting a photo booth provided we can share it.

  10. martymankins Says:

    Scanners are nice to have for many things. What model did you get?
    And as a side question, when do we get to find out about the date and location of TequilaCon ’09?

  11. Pants Says:

    A photo booth would be AWESOME!!!

  12. Karl Says:

    When’s the big TequilaCon announcement?

  13. jenny Says:

    claire: a portable photo booth? what a genius idea!
    vahid: it’s a deal.
    marty: i got an epson nx400 – so far so good! and we’re still working out the details of tequilacon, but should have them finalized by the end of this month.
    pants: wouldn’t it, though?
    karl: hang in there for a few more weeks – just got to firm up some dates/locations.

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