

9 Responses to “Sick”

  1. Dave2 Says:

    Tastes like chicken?

  2. shari Says:

    Ugh. I hope you’re not actually sick and that this is merely an artistic representation of that ageless adage, “The cure is worse than the disease.”

  3. churlita Says:

    I’m sorry if you’re sick, but at least there are drugs involved….

  4. Don Says:

    Pour it into a shot glass with two fingers of tequila, you won’t make quite the same face.

  5. Gary LaPointe Says:

    It’s hard to figure out if you’re actually sick or it’s just part of the performance.

    Get better soon if it’s real!

  6. Ignominious Bob Says:

    The title had my hopes up for something really perverted. Dashed again.

  7. Roy Says:

    I’m sorry you caught the epizoodic that’s going around. I had it and it was deceptively unpleasant. Get well soon. PS: about the elevator repairmen–I was them once, in a manner of speaking, and it was satisfying in a peculiar way, and fun. It’s a shame so many people are not them. PPS: but keep your distance. :)

  8. Poppy Says:

    Dawg has to do vollies tonight. I gave him lots of kisses and said, “don’t bring home swine flu!”

    I’m such a great girlfriend. :D

  9. whitenoise Says:


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