

16 Responses to “Refreshing”

  1. claire Says:

    Frame 5: Aaahhhh!

    Also, is it my imagination or is your hair getting long? Looks good in any case.

  2. shari Says:

    Why does the bottom of the bottle look for all the world like the bottom of a can in frames 2 & 3? More importantly, why do I notice things like that, when the real concern should be that you’re drinking soda without alcohol?

  3. Dave2 Says:

    I like how you eliminated Frame #2… the frame where you poured vodka into the bottle. Now THAT’S the pause that refreshes!

  4. Sarah Says:

    So in Chicago they serve soda in glass bottles? That is awesome.

  5. whitenoise Says:

    Aggghhh!!! Look out for the polar bear!!

  6. jenny Says:

    claire: my hair decided years ago that this was the longest it was ever going to get. but thanks!

    shari: it’s magicks!

    dave2: i love that you and shari think exactly alike. it’s scary.

    sarah: only when you buy them in the bodegas. mexican coke is the best – real sugar!

    whitenoise: what polar bea-aaaaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh!!

  7. heather anne Says:

    Oh, this one is my favorite!

  8. Ignominious Bob Says:


    Oh, and it’s not teh vodak you add to Coke, it’s rum. Some things are just absolutes at Chez Igno-bob.

    Also, aluminum cans do not show the remaining fluid level like is seen here.

  9. Don Says:

    Whoa, hey! Is that the real thing?!

  10. Poppy Says:

    EVIL. I am SO thirsty now.

  11. jenny Says:

    heather anne: thanks! nothing like an ice cold coke on a hot day.

    igno-bob: good point about the rum! although i don’t think i could slam a cuba libre quite that fast…

    don: oh, it’s real all right. REAL SUGAR!!!!!

    poppy: the power of suggestion… you will drink coca-cola!

  12. Ignominious Bob Says:

    I just realized, this is the only website I return to visit, in order to look at pictures of a woman, and she has any clothes on! Kudos.

  13. jenny Says:

    igno-bob: that’s our motto here at run jen run – XXX LIVE GIRLS! ALL PRUDE! XXX

  14. Ignominious Bob Says:

    My ignominy. I has showed you it.

  15. MOM Says:

    My dear daughter said: that’s our motto here at run jen run – XXX LIVE GIRLS! ALL PRUDE! XXX

    I’ve read that at least 3 times, so why am I beaming?

    :::::::::::::::::::: your blog ALWAYS makes me smile !!! ::::::::::::::::::;

    And all the comments are just delightful! You guys are just such fun!!!

  16. Gary LaPointe Says:


    Coca-Cola in a glass bottle!!!! My favorite!

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