Dress for Success

I’ve had to have some difficult discussions with my cats lately, mostly about how they never help out around the house, and how I feel like they take me for granted. So while I’m up north trapping bald eagles this weekend, I have asked them to start looking for jobs. Doesn’t have to be anything full time, but just enough to start bringing in a little pin money for catnip and the fancy clumping litter they can’t seem to live without.
I didn’t think they were actually serious about it, until I walked into the bedroom and found them trying on interview suits. I actually cried a little when I saw them all dressed up – I was so proud. And I really like that Podo isn’t boxed into gender stereotypes about how women shouldn’t wear ties to work. I think she looks classy, kind of like a young Katharine Hepburn.
class act
Kodo preferred the slightly askew, devil may care look.
crooked tie
So when I get back, not only will I have skinned my first bear, but I may also come back to a three-income household (fingers crossed). Wish us all well!

16 Responses to “Dress for Success”

  1. kat Says:

    let me get this straight… you can’t get them to wear collars, but they’ll gladly prance around in their fancy interview ties? sheesh, cats.

  2. Cheryl Says:

    They look like tiny little accountants. A potential employer would never guess that they sleep 20 hours a day.

  3. Arwen Says:

    I think she looks a little Annie Hall and Kodo looks like Jim from the office, handsome in a slightly disheveled way. Did they tell you want kind of work they are going to look for?

  4. Tracy Lynn Says:

    You’ll be lucky if they haven’t staged some sort of ambush. Cats are essentially non-working. Mine are part of the Union, and every time I try to get them to do something, ANYTHING, they file a grievance and threaten to strike, and since they are more evil than teamsters, I generally cave.

  5. sizz Says:

    i really want to get some ties like that for my cats. where did you get them? haha!

  6. shari Says:

    Jenny, have you considered just what types of employment conduct job interviews over the weekend, and whose dress codes require shirtless collar-ties and kitty-cat tails?? Gah! Kodo and Podo are contemplating life as strippers or call-cats! Of course, that clumping litter makes it just about worth it…

  7. Don Says:

    You single people are weird.
    Have a fun weekend! Meet a Sasquatch!

  8. churlita Says:

    You do understand that your cats might just kill you in your sleep for dressing them like that, don’t you?

  9. sam mooney Says:

    They seem to be wearing collars but my cats always get better jobs when they wear skirts too.
    Love the post and pix

  10. Suebob Says:

    Gorgeous cats!
    And you won the somewhat valuable prize in my sweet little lies contest. Email me with your addy and I will send you something.

  11. Mad William Says:

    That is the funniest thing I’ve seen in some time. Cats in ties. I may have hurt myself laughing.

  12. jenny Says:

    kat: well, they’re quite the dandies, so they like getting dolled up.
    cheryl: true, but their productivity during those 4 waking hours is off the charts!
    arwen: they didn’t get into to many specifics, but i see kodo succeeding in sales, and podo might be more the graphic design type.
    tracy lynn: i just hope they find a job with good benefits because this family healthcare plan is seriously expensive.
    sizzle: aren’t they the best? my favorite store for all my pet costume needs: target!
    shari: hmm… you may have a point. when i came home today, they gave me their share of rent all in crumpled up dollar bills!
    don: or rather, are we weird people single?
    churlita: well, if they didn’t kill me for putting elf hats on them this past xmas, i think i should be safe…
    sam: well, podo always says that skirts make her look too hippy, so she sticks with pant-suits. without the pants.
    suebob: i did? this must be my lucky day!
    mad william: then this was $5 well-spent. :)

  13. sandra Says:

    You know, the Chippendales wear ties with nothing else…I’m just sayin’

  14. Anonymous Says:

    Dear Jenny,
    When does the Bunny Head get a tie?

  15. jenny Says:

    sandra: if i can find him a bow-tie, then i’ll definitely let kodo become a chippendale dancer. he could stand to get a little exercise, anyway…
    vivian: bunny head + tie = too hugh hefner. bunny head is more cerebral than that.

  16. kilax Says:

    We gave our cat the same speech. Hope your results aren’t as disappointing as ours were!

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